B&W Mini Sessions | Q&A

The time has come again! This is my fourth year offering B&W mini sessions in Westbrook, Maine, and they are always one of my favorites. Just a simple 10-minute session to capture all the personality of your kiddos, but the results are amazing! I thought it was time to put together a blog post with some favorites over the years while I answer some questions about these sessions. Get ready for ALL the cuteness!

What ages can do a B&W mini session?

Pretty much any age! As long as they have some head strength to be able to sit on their own while supported, then they are old enough to do a session. Usually around 3 months, they're ready! I’ve done a session with my daughter, Kaylie, every year since she was 3 months old and I just LOVE to watch her grow and her (wild) personality shine through.

How does it work with siblings? Can we get photos of the kids together?

Yes! I do individual of each kid and then get photos of the siblings together. The price of the first kid is $225 and each sibling after that is an additional $100. I can do 2-3 kids per a 10-minute session. If you have more than three kiddos, please contact me directly to book and we will find a time slot that works!

Ok... this sounds great, Mariah, BUT my child doesn’t sit still! How will it work?

Do any of them sit still honestly? Ha! My toddler is as crazy as ever. Last year, it took three of us to chase her down to get her B&W mini session done, but we did it! I have tricks up my sleeve for all types of little ones. It may include a few funny words (poop, fart... ya know, all those potty words you work so hard for them not to say) or I’ll get them up and moving, dancing, jumping! I certainly never expect a child to just sit and smile though. The best part of these little sessions is they are made to capture all expressions and personalities.

Have I convinced you yet?! Here are the details!

Saturday March 23rd in Westbrook, ME

10 minutes / 8 black and white images

$225 per a session / $100 per additional sibling

Follow the link below to grab your session! Sessions go live to email subscribers Thursday February 15th at 10AM (you can sign up a little early if you are here though hehe!).

You will need to sign and pay a retainer within 24 hours to secure your session time or it will be released back to the public. Due to the nature of mini sessions they can not be rescheduled.   ***Please indicate in the comment section how many kids you have that will be participating and their names!***